essential oils extracted from plants
100% pure and focused on helping to tautoko your wellness goals.
The art of choosing your unique essential oil blends come down to the mental wellness goals you choose in your MindKai quiz.
This is taken up a notch, as we also offer you the opportunity to select your fragrance profile of preference. So... whether you're in to running through a flower bed, the fresh scent of herbs or citrus, the spice markets of morroco, or the woody earth tones of the ngahere (forest) - we got you covered!

calm & relax
Cultivating a more restful, relaxed state of mind means we have greater attention, energy, and creativity to tackle responsibilities and be more resilient in our lives.
Mahia i runga i te rangimaarie me te ngaakau maahaki. With a peaceful mind and respectful heart we get the best results.

Carving out time to clear our mind is important not only for mental health, but to ensure we can work more efficiently on what needs doing.
Tungiā te ururua, kia tupu whakaritorito te tupu o te harakeke. Clear the undergrowth so the new shoots will grow.

carrot seed, corriander seed, geranium, sweet orange
Emotions and feelings energise and give power to our thoughts. In order for a thought to act and manifest, it needs something to give it life and energy - looking after our feelings and emotions are that something!
Hurihia te aroaro ki te ra tukuna to atarangi kia taka ki muri i a koe. Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.

ground & rest wairua
cedarwood, lavender, patchouli, yarrow
When we are grounded, it allows us to access our talents and power. It also nourishes our visions and goals to create the best life for ourselves.
Ki te wātea te hinengaro, me te kaha rere o te wairua, ka tāea ngā mea katoa. When the mind is free and the spirit is willing, anything is possible.

let go & balance
cypress, ginger root, helichrysum, lavender
Learning to accept and trust ourselves as well as the present moment (or our current reality) is a way in which we can set ourselves free.
Titiro whakamuri, kokiri whakamua. Look back and reflect so you can move forward.

open heart & centre
clary sage, spikenard, rose, sandalwood
Listening to what our heart is saying and making the time to open it resonates with kindness, love, appreciation, and gratefulness – over and above anything else.
He orongo ngākau, he pikinga waiora. Positive feelings in your heart will enhance your self worth.

reach potential
bay laurel, corriander seed, frankincense, ylang ylang
When we achieve our potential, we become more valuable - not only to others, but ourselves as well.
Mauria te pono. Believe in yourself.

a selfcare ritual
That invites moments of mindfulness.
The very act of using MindKai is a ritual. It’s not about slapping it on — but rather, being fully present with intent.
For our facial oils and cleansers, massage the oil over your face spending time in areas holding tension — particularly the jaw and temple.
For our pure spray, spritz around your personal space to cleanse and channel positive energy.
No matter what MindKai you have - always take time to reflect on your day and let go of the negative.
Breath deeply, slowly and with intent. Hā ki roto, hā ki waho - you got this!