Take the survey
A wellbeing check that tells us your skin whakapapa (history), hinengaro (mental), wellbeing goals & wairua (spiritual) needs.
We Create Your Custom Blend
Embracing traditional rongōa Māori tikanga (customs), wild harvested rau (leaves) & high-quality plant-based oils.
You Experience Your Mindkai Moment
Hand made. Aroha (love) filled & crafted just for you!

Take a holistic approach to your skin.
Dealing with life’s ups and downs can take its toll. But how often do you take the time to ground yourself and acknowledge your wellbeing not just on the physical, but the mental and spiritual as well?
MindKai helps you flex that muscle by creating a movement that normalises self care through skin care. It pairs the benefits of rongoā Māori and the tikanga it is anchored in, to support your holistic wellbeing. Mauri ki te mauri (life force to life force) — we got you!
Ki te wātea te hinengaro, me te kaha rere o te wairua, ka tāea ngā mea katoa.
When the mind is free and the spirit is willing, anything is possible.